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button image -- create a new button with images

BUTTON IMAGE x,y, ID$, EnabledPressed$, EnabledNormal$, Disabled$, View$

This command lets you create a button with images named ID$ on the view View$. The position (x,y) is the upper left corner of the images and the size of the first image (EnabledPressed$) is taken.

You have to provide at least two image files:
EnabledPressed$ -- the image file name of the pressed button
EnabledNormal$ -- the image file name of the released button
The images can be of any format that BeOS or ZETA can translate.

If you want to disable the button, you should provide the additional image file:
Disabled$ -- the image file name of the disabled button 
You can put in an empty string "" if you don't need a disabled button.

Just be aware that image files with relative path might be not found when you start your program as a script from tracker.

The button when pressed will send a message string with ID$.

In standard layout, the button will follow the lower, right corner of the view or window.

Be creative but do not use offensive images. For icons, try to use BeOS-like icons always. Ask in the community if you need assistence in creating new icons.

window open 100,100 to 300,200, "Example", "Example"
button image 10,10, "MyIconButton", "icon_pressed.png", "icon_released", "icon_disabled", "Example"
while(not quitting)
	m$ = message$
	if(m$ = "MyIconButton|") alert "You pressed the button", "Ok", "info"
	if(instr(m$, "_QuitRequested")) quitting = true
window close "Example"

The button is only shown correctly, when the images "icon_pressed.png" and "icon_released" exist.

Related: button